Solid Rock India

(469) 212-0466

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Why We Do What We Do and How You Can Help

Why India?

Samson was born there and came to Christ there so his heart is for the people of Punjab. He knows the people and most importantly he knows how to reach them for Christ. He and the local pastors speak English and the Punjab language. English is the second language for the local people, but to communicate easily with the people, a pastor must speak the local language. Sending people like Samson from their home country back to reach them and then train their own people may be the model for foreign missions in the future. But there are other reasons that India is ripe for the harvest of Christ. Christ is working in India. Christ never sends us where he has not gone first. India has nearly 2 billion people and only 3% are Christians, BUT Christianity is growing. 19% of Indian people coming to the US are Christians like Samson and his family. This is an untapped resource for reaching India. India also has a very stable economy and the people have a good opinion of the US. Our US dollars go very far in getting churches built and in paying staff there. The average wage for laborers is $2-3 US dollars per day and college grads make less than $600 per month. We can do God's work for a small amount compared to the US and also help the local economy.

Future Goals

Sold Rock India's goals in the next few years are to:

  • Add more pastors and lay pastors and be able to provide better salaries and for better living conditions.
  • There is also a need to grow the number of lay pastors who visit homes and create home churches and later courtyard churches.  Solid Rock now work with lay pastors to move from courtyard churches to what we call "brick and mortar" churches right in their courtyard. This lowers the cost of building new churches. 
  • As home churches outgrow the homes where they meet, our new approach to building church in the community enables the people who have very limited means of transportation. They can now go and reach more people.
  • There is also an ongoing need to hold more training sessions with pastors, lay pastors and lay leaders. Samson is doing this on this trips to India each year. 

How You Can Help

Solid Rock India is an established ministry with a proven track record of success in reaching people for Christ for a very small amount of money. We have done wonders with so little, and we know that much more could be accomplished if we have the following:

  • Prayers for our efforts daily.
  • We need more weekly and monthly givers to Solid Rock India through your local church or directly with Solid Rock India.  A small weekly or monthly gift means we can plan our ministry and make even more happen in Punjab.
  • We need capital improvement funds for our construction projects that will be completed in the next few years and for new projects.  We can build a "brick and mortar" courtyard church for under $10,000 U.S. dollars.  A church where we have to buy land can cost around $30,000 U.S. dollars. 
  •  Pray that we will receive the funds to do God's will.

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